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Before and After for Mary


Bethany, Patient of Dr. Hart
I had the RNY gastric bypass surgery. I was 330 pounds and a size 28 at my biggest, and more importantly, I was at risk of diabetes and struggled with a multitude of health issues. Since the surgery, I have lost over 200 pounds and have no underlying health complications as I did and have embraced healthy living. I’m now at a size 12 and I have not received any plastics so far. My life is forever changed for the better. I’m finally able to live again and have a true quality of life and not just exist. I am glad I trusted Atlanta Bariatrics with my care and my life. 

Before and After for Jonnie


Jonnie, Patient of Dr. Hart

My journey begins from an early age of being picked on because I have always been an overweight person. My grandmother always said you needed extra meat on your bones in case you ever got sick.

It wasn’t a great feeling to be overweight with other kids constantly picking on you. It did some to my self-confidence. I never felt like anyone wanted to get to know me. Once I started having several medical issues by the time I was an adult I still wasn’t comfortable with the body I was in. I felt like I only have one life so why not do something to help my health issues and finally feel good about the way I looked.

I knew right away that I wanted gastric bypass surgery. I didn’t care about the risks. I just knew this surgery was for me and I had to have it to finally be comfortable for ME. For those that didn’t bother wanting to know me or picked on me when I was growing up its ok because I didn’t do it first them. If they didn’t talk and hangout with me then, I’m not looking to hang out with them now. The people that loved me before having the surgery are the same people that are still on this journey with me now. I hate working out!!! That’s hadn’t changed, but when I see that scale going in the wrong way, I get my butt up and get active.

My diabetes is so much better. Just taking one pill. My chronic kidney disease is now stage 2 instead of stage 3. My husband passed away before he got to see this journey. He was right there when I made the decision to have the gastric bypass surgery. He was the most loving and kind and understanding husband. He said I had to do what made me happy.

I’ve been skydiving and zip lining. After losing my husband suddenly I realized that I only have one life and fear is not going to control anything I want to do or accomplish. I couldn’t believe a surgery would make me so outgoing and be able to speak in front of people. Not everyone knows I had the surgery. It’s not a secret. Some people believe that I took the easy route for losing weight. Trust me this hasn’t been easy. I’m just determined to be the best and healthier person for my son now that he only has one parent living.

Everyone has to do what’s best for them. If anyone ever wants to talk to me about the surgery or eat and workout with me that would be awesome. Trust me I still call the dietitians for advice on what to eat and not to eat. It’s a journey and they are there to make sure I continue to succeed. They are on this journey with me for life!! There is a whole world out there to live and enjoy. Let’s get this journey started!!

Before and After for Mary


Alyson, Patient of Dr. Hart
When I started, I was 390 pounds. I had the gastric sleeve last year with Dr. Hart. I work out consistently now at Body20 (East Cobb). I stopped measuring food. I am just doing my best with the information I have learned at Atlanta Bariatrics and overcoming my food addiction, and am now down to 236 and get to enjoy going on rides now with my family and zip lining

Before and After for Michelle


Michelle, Patient of Dr. Hart
After struggling with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, PCOS, GERD, obesity, and an insurance issue with a GLP-1 medication, I realized that gastric bypass surgery was the best option for me. These conditions not only affected my physical health but also my quality of life and overall well-being. Despite my best efforts with diet and exercise, I needed a more effective solution to regain control over my health. Weight loss surgery provided me with the opportunity to address these serious health issues, improve my lifestyle, and achieve a healthier future. I am almost four months post op and feel the best I have felt in decades!

Before and After for Brian


Brian, Patient of Dr. Hart
I started out at 389 pounds. Dr Hart wanted me to have a bypass to begin with, but I wanted to choose to do a sleeve against his advice. I just underwent a gastric bypass and am now 232 and still going. I would listen to Dr. Hart for the best outcome.

Before and After for Mary


Shanisha, Patient of Dr. Hart
There was a time in my life when I was my heaviest of 310. I had so many health issues. Pre-diabetes, sleep apnea, insomnia, hypothyroidism, and other hormonal issues. I tried working out to lose weight. Because of my respiratory and hormonal issues, I was unable to successfully lose weight. I was blessed to find Dr. Hart with Atlanta Bariatrics. I had to spend the first 4 months learning how to think and eat differently. We started a workout regimen. They stressed that the gastric bypass was a tool, but it was up to me to do the work. It was a long process before I could even be scheduled for service. They wanted to set me up for success. My team was amazing before and after my surgery. It is 2.5 years later and I am 140lbs. The day of my surgery I was down to 286lbs. I have lost 170lbs total since working with Atlanta Bariatrics. Because I have followed their program, I have not had the complications that some have when going through other places to have this surgery. I have a 95lb German shepherd and I jog 3.5 miles with her every day. I never thought that I would be able to jog again. My quality of life is 150 times better. I actually feel like my life has been prolonged by the grace of God. Listening to my team at Atlanta Bariatrics, I did not experience hair loss or much loose skin. I love that this practice pushes us for a total lifestyle change. I am cautious about what I eat. I love this practice. Thank you so much to Dr. Hart, Rebecca Lore, and the entire team at Atlanta Bariatrics. I thank God for you being there to give me my life back. 

Before and After for Mary


Leonor, Patient of Dr. Hart
Last year I decided that it was time to take control of my health and make changes so that I could LIVE and not just exist. I have been overweight for most of my adult life so I knew that it was going to require a drastic lifestyle change in order to turn things around for my health. Dr Hart, Rebecca, Mallory and the team at Atlanta Bariatrics were amazing and supportive throughout the entire process. I am so glad that I had gastric bypass surgery because it has changed my life!!! 

Before and After for Shelby


Shelby, Patient of Dr. Hart
It’s hard to know where to start. There’s so much I want to say but I’m also so speechless to how grateful I am of this journey. Some days I can’t believe it’s real and that I am doing it, I did it. Thanks to Mallory, Beca and Dr. Hart- the literal dream team. I started considering weight loss surgery back in March of last year. After my initial visit, I was still on the edge of “I’m really not sure I can do this!” Although, I kept going through the check list, the dietitian visits, and psychologist visit as well as other testing I had to complete prior to surgery. I started doing more and more research. While surgery scared me, not knowing where I’d be without it in 10 years scared me more! I was ecstatic to book October for my surgery date. Everything went so smoothly, I am still in awe of the fact I showed up at 7am and was home by 11am walking around. The first few weeks were tough for me-it was a reality check. I was so used to eating my feelings and I wasn’t doing that anymore. I started at 320 pounds. As of today, I am down to 232! I am able to go to the gym, move more freely, and walk faster. Another win! People comment on how great I look but it’s so much more than that to me. My mental health is so much better and my chronic pain/flares have gotten tremendously better! Showing up for yourself is key. Putting yourself first sometimes is not selfish. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t be able to take care of others, is how I look at it these days 

Before and After for Polly


Polly, Patient of Dr. Hart
That is me weighing 450 pounds. I am 16 months post-op and I went from a 28 jeans that I could barely button and 4x top to 16 jeans and 1x top (though I usually wear 2x so it’s loose). I can fit in chairs with arms. I don’t need a seatbelt extender anymore. I can shop in normal stores instead of specialty stores. I am living life. Just a friendly reminder that everyone’s body is different, and everyone’s journey is different. If you see someone’s progress and yours doesn’t look the same, PLEASE do not get discouraged. Remember that your story is yours alone. Stay the course and be thankful for this journey 

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Jatoyia, Patient of Dr. Hart.
I'm just a busy wife and mom of 3 who decided that it was time to do something for me. This journey challenged me to really understand what self care and self love means. It also forced me to figure out what that looks like on a daily basis. In the end, I found out that it is possible to have healthy habits and lifestyle in the midst of the chaos of motherhood! I'm only 6 months out, so I know there is more work to be done, but everyday, I wake up and choose me and keep steady on my journey... one protein shake at a time!


Mike, Patient of Dr. Hart.

I have struggled with my weight pretty much since middle school when I discovered that sitting and playing video games and eating pizza was way more fun that exercising. I would use food as a comfort after my parents divorced, and overeating was my biggest problem. I could out eat anyone and was actually proud of it for a while.

I left high school around 230-240 pounds. College lead to more inactivity and more over eating. I hit 300 pounds before graduating in 1996. I had many what should have been rock bottom moments that I ignored and kept on going, fooling myself. I got kicked off the Georgia Scorcher at Six Flags because I didn't fit. The embarrassment of having to walk past all those people should have woken me up, but it didn't. Every time I needed to get new jeans because I had outgrown the ones I had should have woken me up, but it didn't. There was always another guy in our group that was bigger than me, so I could say, "at least I'm not as fat as THAT guy". But then I became "That guy".

I never had the normal health issues associated with my weight. I wasn't diabetic, didn't have high blood pressure, my cholesterol was pretty much on the high range of normal, but not alarming. I was seeing a cardiologist on the regular just in case. I did however have orthopedic problems that were brought on by a combination of my weight and my job. I worked at a vet and was on my feet much of the day plus lifting things that were too heavy and wrestling with dogs did a number on my back and knees. I also had plantar fasciitis but that went away with treatment. I was always embarrassed when I saw pictures of myself and therefore avoided having my picture taken. I got married and had kids and I knew I had to get my stuff together for them. I couldn't participate in sports and such with my kids partly because of my physical limitations, but also and this will sound silly, but because I never could wear the team shirt. They never had my size. I never felt like I belonged, like I was the outsider. I tried all kinds of diets and the gym, but none of it ever worked as I never stuck with it.

I left high school around 230-240 pounds. College lead to more inactivity and more over eating. I hit 300 pounds before graduating in 1996. I had many what should have been rock bottom moments that I ignored and kept on going, fooling myself. I got kicked off the Georgia Scorcher at Six Flags because I didn't fit. The embarrassment of having to walk past all those people should have woken me up, but it didn't. Every time I needed to get new jeans because I had outgrown the ones I had should have woken me up, but it didn't. There was always another guy in our group that was bigger than me, so I could say, "at least I'm not as fat as THAT guy". But then I became "That guy".

Covid hit and I ate a lot to get through it. I maintained my weight around 320-325 for 20 years, but during covid I gained more. At my peak I was 350 pounds. I was wearing 3xl shirts from the big and tall store, size 44 jeans, and slip on shoes because it hurt to bend down to tie my shoes. If that's not sad, I don't know what is.

I play an online game and one of the guys I played with was also super huge. One day, I saw pictures of him and looked completely different. I asked what happened and he said he had gastric bypass surgery. I had always heard about it, and through him, I was able to ask all the questions I ever had about it. He told me the good, the bad and the ugly. He told me about how he stepped onto the step for the exam table at the doctor and the table moved because he was over 400 pounds. He told me that he's now 175 pounds and wearing medium shirts. He told me about protein farts and how the loose skin tacos on your back when you lay on your side. We talked about how much it cost, we talked about how sex was after weight loss, we talked about how it's not the "easy way out". We talked about everything. I decided that surgery was my best and last course of action.

I had a physical and my doctor asked if I had considered weight loss surgery. I almost cried because I knew in my heart, I was ready for it. I was referred to Atlanta Bariatrics and Dr Hart. I had my consult in April and my surgery August. Since then I'm down 105 pounds and feeling awesome. I've got more to go to get to my goal of 200, and I will tell you, it does get frustrating and I've had heaps of set backs, but I'm still here. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week, eat my triple zero yogurts every morning, wear my size 34 pants and my 2 xl shirts that come from a real store, not the big and tall store. I have more energy for my kids and wife and my business, doing voice over work from home.

Surgery isn't for everyone, but it's what has finally worked for me. I don't regret it at all. I'm happy to talk to anyone who is considering it or has been through it and needs a pep talk. Thank you to Dr Hart for being a part of making my life infinitely better.



Alyssa, Patient of Dr. Hart
"As someone who worked with cardiac patients and is now a nurse, I am frequently asked how I feel now that I’ve lost 200lbs. I never realized how unhappy I was and how much I struggled at 355lbs. I am now currently enjoying life with my husband and 3 dogs doing things like hiking, obstacle course races, and going to Orangetheory 3-5 days a week. I am so thankful for Dr. Hart & his staff. "

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Lisa, Patient of  Dr. Johnson 
Lisa came to Atlanta Bariatrics looking for weight loss options as she struggled to stay at a healthy weight. Lisa had a gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Johnson. Now, she is off most medications, has improved her quality of life tremendously, and is at a healthy weight.

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Kevin, Patient of Dr. Hart.
Kevin had a sleeve gastrectomy performed by Dr. Hart. Kevin was at an all time high of 360 lbs and suffered from obesity, sleep apnea, hypertension, prediabetes, and an unhealthy relationship with food. Over the last 3 years, Kevin has maintained a weight loss of 160 lbs and is more active than ever! One of the highlights of Kevin’s accomplishments after surgery include competing in his first Ironman Triathlon. Kevin is grateful for his team at Atlanta Bariatrics for their assistance in his weight loss journey. 

Before and After for Kimberly

Kimberly, Patient of Dr. Hart

At 282lbs, I was depressed and struggled with the easiest of tasks ( stairs, playing with my kids,etc). I hated how I felt! When I looked in the mirror I knew something had to change! Dr Hart and the whole team at Atlanta Bariatrics made this life changing process so easy! They were informative and beyond helpful.

Now I am maintaining 100lb weight loss and feeling great! Can never thank them enough for holding my hand through everything and giving me my life back!!!

Before and After for Mary

Tina, Patient of Dr. Johnson

I Just want to share my progress. I am extremely happy to be SLEEVED🦋 IM SENDING A BIG THANK YOU TO DR. JOHNSON AND EVERYONE ON HIS TEAM.

Have a fantastic day
Tina L.


Greg, Patient of Dr. Hart

I had a gastric bypass and have lost over 132 pounds.  I just got married to the love of my life, I'm back playing golf again, and life has just begun.

Watch His Interview(opens in a new tab)

Before and After for Mary

Mary, Patient of Dr. Hart
After years of yo-yo dieting and weight re-gain, I came to Dr. Hart after a trans-Atlantic flight.  One where I had to use a seatbelt extender and felt like a sardine in a can.   It was one of the most mortifying experiences of my life.   I knew I had to take control of my life.  I was 37 years old and already on blood pressure medicine, had high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic.  When I went to Atlanta Bariatrics for my consult, I was amazed and relieved by the level of compassion and knowledge I experienced there. I tipped the scale at 334 pounds, my highest weight ever. I constantly felt empowered by the knowledge and tools they were supplying me with. I have lost 155 pounds since my surgery, but oh what I have gained. I’m off my blood pressure medicine, my blood sugar and cholesterol are now normal,  I’ve run a 5K road race and I’m training for a half marathon, I have ridden all of the ziplines and roller coasters that I watched from the sidelines for years. And, most importantly, the confidence I have gained in myself is truly the most amazing gift.  I credit Dr. Hart, Tracy and the whole Atlanta Bariatrics team with saving my life—though, if you ask them they are so humble and kind they’ll say “we just gave you the tools, you did all the hard work.”

Jim Radcliffe, Patient of Dr. Johnson

Jim, Patient of Dr. Johnson
I have fought my weight all of my adult life. The past few years I noticed deterioration in my health from the excess weight I was carrying around. I tried numerous ways to loose weight. Most worked short term – but none lasted. Finally I investigated bariatric surgery. Dr Johnson performed a gastric sleeve procedure on my at Northside Forsyth. At that time I weighed 377 pounds. I feel much better and have lost a total of 143 pounds so far. It hasn’t been easy, but not difficult either. It forces you to make the changes needed, and the weight literally melts off. The best part for me is now I know I’ll be around to see my grand daughters grow up.

Carol Coleman, Patient of Dr. Johnson

Carol, Patient of Dr. Johnson
My journey begin at 302, I had hit my all time high and my all time low. I finally made the decision to take control of my life, because I was not living, never wanting to go anywhere or do anything with my family. My feet and my back where in so much pain I thought I might have to go out on disability. After researching weight loss surgery for a couple of years it was time to take the leap. I chose the gastric sleeve only because I was scared of messing with the intestines, so I prayed and ask God for direction and he lead me to Dr. Johnson and I met with him and asked if I could lose 100 lbs with the sleeve and he said yes, I might have to work a little harder than if I had the bypass but that was okay with me because I was determined to make it work.  It has been a learning experience and it has not been all easy mainly due to emotional reasons and learning to cope with issues without food. I did have a problem with optical neuritis which affected my right eye that they had to but me on high dose steroids in my 6th month which caused my weight loss to hold and maintain for 4 months, but as soon as that was out of my system I started to lose again and I reached my goal of 100 lbs lost 7 days before my 50th Birthday now at 202 lbs I feel fantastic!! my feet are fine, I still have little problems with my back but nowhere near what it had been. I thank Dr. Johnson for believing in me and in what he does, the only goal he set for me was to get healthy. Thank you Dr. Johnson and staff for everything!

Ken's Change

Ken, Patient of Dr. Johnson
I was living in very poor health, with multiple health problems, and weighing 454 lbs. at age 38 , when I decided to go to a patient seminar for weight loss surgery. I choose Atlanta Bariatrics after meeting and hearing my doctor, William Johnson MD, speak about what weight loss surgery would do for “my health”. I think the focus on the “my health” and not the amount of weight I could lose was the deciding factor for me. He told the group about getting off insulin shots, being able to stop taking cholesterol medication, and no more CPAP/BiPap for sleeping. He could have been speaking just to me, but the message was for the group attending that evening. I met with Dr. Johnson and the Atlanta Bariatrics staff and started my road to “better health”. The staff and my doctor guided me through the process for the pre-surgery, educated me how to live and eat healthy after the surgery, and been there cheering me on to reach my health goals. Today, weighing 223 lbs., I am no longer taking insulin shots, I have stopped taking two types of drugs for cholesterol, and I can get restful sleep without the aid of a machine. I can also enjoy the choices in life to do anything without worrying if my body will be able to do it.

Jim Radcliffe, Patient of Dr. Johnson

Tony, Patient of Dr. Johnson
"Had the sleeve with Dr. Johnson. 7 months post-op Down 110 lbs. Couldn’t be Happier!!!!"


Matt, Patient of Dr. Johnson
"I started to have a lot of medical issues over the last several years ranging from being diagnosed with Hypertension to Sleep Apnea/Insomnia and used a CPAP machine close to 11 years. I was also recently diagnosed with Diabetes, and this is when things needed to change and I was at my heaviest at 360 lbs. That was when I decided to get the sleeve gastric surgery. I had my first appointment with Dr. Johnson and had the surgery. I was able to get down to 333lbs and now one year later I’m currently 180lbs. I’m no longer diabetic and have hypertension. I’m also no longer using the CPAP machine as well. I don't even know where to even begin to explain how much, I appreciate Dr. Johnson along with his staff and encouraging me throughout the process."

Ken's Change

Candy, Patient of Dr. Johnson
Top Weight - 331Ibs
Surgery Weight  - 324 lbs
9 months - 205 lbs
Total loss - 126 lbs

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Q&A with Doctors

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3 Years Post Bariatric RYGB Surgery, Dr. Christopher Hart M.D. FACS / #bariatricsurgery

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6 Months Post Sleeve Surgery, William H. Johnson MD, FACS /#BARIATRICSURGERYTESTIMONIAL

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9 Months Post Gastric Bypass Surgery, William H. Johnson MD, FACS /#bariatricsurgery

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18 Months Post R&Y Surgery INCREDIBLE Transformation, Dr. Christopher Hart / #BARIATRICSURGERY

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4 Months Post R&Y Surgery, William H. Johnson MD, FACS / #bariatricsurgery

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